Case Studies.

Our consulting practice spans a broad range of services. The breadth and depth of our team's knowledge and experiences allow us to provide valuable insights and solutions to our clients. That said, no two mandates are the same. Below is a sample of recent consulting mandates we have completed, which speaks to the uniqueness of our clients and the challenges they face, as well as the diversity of work we do.


Case Study 1: Private Company Ownership Analysis

Context: CGP was retained as a subject matter expert to consult on the reasonableness of total compensation for a private company’s CEO over the previous 20+ years.

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Case Study 2: Retention Plan Design

Context: CGP was engaged to design a retention plan for key employees of a private company.

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Case Study 3: Stock Option Grant Practice

Context: CGP was engaged by a private company client to review its stock option plan, which uses an atypical exercise price.

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Case Study 4: Executive Compensation Outsourcing Services

Context: CGP acted as a client’s outsourced executive compensation team as a new CHRO recruited a compensation department over the year. 

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